Handy for Firemen

New Device to Assist In Making Connections with Hydrants The New London Telegraph says: Cary A. Main of Westerly, ex-foreman of the P. S. Barber Hose company, has made and…

Nevada Man Makes a Trip

Oscar Woodbury, who has been spending the winter in Boston, has returned to this city and will leave for Silver City to-morrow where he will start the cyanide plants as…

Smith the Cuttist

At 1 o’clock last night, while some ladles and gentlemen were sitting in the front room of the house №61 Hospital street, a man named C. W. Smith broke in…

War News

The Richmond Enquirer of the 13th says ; “About the first of the present month, Sheridan, with between six and ten thousand men, started on a raid up the Valley,…

Paderewski Sleeps Here

The Great Pianist Comes Up Tonight Over the Mexican Central And Goes West Tomorrow Morning. The great Jean Ignasce Paderewski comes to El Paso this evening, but not to play…

Boys Vamped by Flappers, Parents Cry

Girls Blamed for Snuggle Pupping and Petting Parties Nowadays

CHICAGO, March 11 — Parents of the male flapper are holding indignation meetings throughout Chicago to protect against vamping of their poor defenseless sons by sweet young things still in their ‘teens.

How to curb petting parties, the popular pastime of the younger generation everywhere it seems, occupied most of the discussion at the convention of social hygiene associations, at which were represented the Chicago Woman’s club, the Woman’s City club, the Parent Teachers’ club, and other prominent women’s organizations.