Our Liquorless Navy

Rum ration

There may be an honest difference of opinion regarding the utility and morality of the army canteen which is now no more, but the same arguments which were made against the abolition of the canteen cannot be made against the order of the secretary of the navy, abolishing wines and liquors from the officers’ mess, on shipboard or on naval reservations.

It was to be said in favor of the canteen that it stood in the way of the disgraceful dives which now hang like a dirty fringe just outside of and around our military reservations. To a large extent the canteen removed the enlisted man from the temptations which now allure him.

The Jefferson Shoe

By a late order of the Secretary of War, the non commissioned officers, privates, &c. of the rifle regiments are required to wear the Jefferson Shoe — Without pretending to be judges…

At the Park

The Noble Dramatic company opened the first night of their week’s engagement at the Park opera house last night to a good house. Considering that there were several other entertainments…

Many Juvenile Cases

The police have been paying a great deal of attention to the juvenile cases according to the report which is being made up by Sheriff Iaukea for submission to the…

West Coast Horticulture

A number of land owners along Honcut creek have been extensively grafting chestnut and wild oak trees this Spring and apparently a perfect union has been made in most instances.…

Shade Level Epic: Unlocked

The San Francisco Bulletin contains an article headed “Our Moral Ruins.” The best evidence of the ruin of all morality in San Francisco, is the fact that the Bulletin still…

Swedish Cooking

The cooking is so different from either English or French cooking, so bad, I must really say, that it requires a great deal of fortitude and a certain amount of…

Rifle Sequel to Dog Fight

Photo. in an old saloon

Bullet Missed Mark

Passed Through McGregor’s Arm — Barber Next Door Had a Narrow Escape.

Duncan McGregor’s pet bull dog almost cost his master’s life this morning at the hands of Freeman Quinn. Quinn shot at McGregor with a Winchester rifle at uncomfortably close range. The bullet that was intended for McGregor passed through the sleeve of his jacket, cutting several holes in the garment, but McGregor was uninjured.

The shooting occurred in McGregor’s saloon, at the corner of Mercury and Montana street. The place is quiet, traffic does not block the streets of the locality incidents of moment are unusual, and the bonnie Highland soldiers in the pictures that adorn the walls must have been astonished at what happened to disturb their peace and quiet and to remind them of tented field and fierce foray.