Arrested for Rifling Mails

Hastings, Neb., May 2 — [Special Telegram to the Bee ]— Postoffice Inspector Fredrick caused the arrest yesterday of J. R. Gatewood, postmaster at Eustis, Neb., for rifling registered and…

Several Young Toughs

Thursday three girls, and a boy aged 13 years, arrived here from Lewiston, Fergus county. They arrived here unsder sentence to the reform school, having come on complaint of their…

Encouragement for the Rum Trade

The rum dealers, says the Worcester (Mass.) Transcript, have one good customer left. The Government, we perceive, has advertised for sixty thousand gallons! for the navy alone. American Republican and Baltimore Daily…

Entertainment at the Hyperion

Poster for a Herrmann the Great show.

Herrmann, the greatest of all prestidigitateurs, will be the attraction to morrow evening. He has for several years been giving an exhibition of necromancy that is as fascinating as it is baffling. He announces this season a most wonderful exhibition, including a number of startling illusions and sensations. One of these is his latest and greatest effort called “Yako-yo,” the great Chinese immigration mystery. Sale of seats now open.