Big Circus Shows Today

Parade a Feature of Barnum & Bailey Exhibition

The circus parade is evidently here to stay. A few years ago a couple of the big shows thought they could draw the crowds to their tents without sending their glittering wagons, animals, clowns and steam calliope through the streets, but apparently they found that the plan was not a success. They are all back with the morning procession again, much to the joy of the small boy and his parents. too.

Fair of the Royal Hawaiian Agricultural Society

We are requested to call attention to the following regulation of the Board of Managers, in regard to the Fair to be had on the 14th inst. The Society will meet on Tuesday; the annual address will be delivered on the evening of that day, at the Supreme Court Room, at half past seven o’clock; the Fair will be held on Wednesday, the 14th, opening at 12 o’clock noon, in the Court room.

Hobos Should Unionize

The hobos should form a union for mutual protection against that class of "gay cats" who are continually spoiling a good thing. In days past, any gook with a hunger…

In Strange Waters

Some shad fishermen while hauling in their net at the mouth of the Christiana on Saturday discovered that they had caught some creature of rather formidable dimensions, which was making…

D-Day – One Sailor’s Memoir

American troops landing at Omaha Beach, with large obstacles blocking their way.

There were about 150 of us on each of the L.C.I.’s and transported over with L. C. M.’s and rafts in tow—these were all filled with explosive materials. We were given, immediately, our final destination orders and already knew the type of job to be done. On the way over we were frankly told that many of us would be killed—now that was a comforting thought. The price of freedom was going to be expensive. Our particular mortality rate was very assuredly in the 10% range of survival.

We were supposed to arrive at 0330 but must have been later as it was. nearing daylight, and things were quite visible. The others that arrived before were the Rangers and the glider corp. The gliders were engineless planes that were towed over from England and then set free. These “planes” carried combat ready troops but had it very rough as many crashed into the trees and stone walls.

Capt. Gridley is Dead

Capt. Gridley

The Brave Commander of the Olympia No More.


The Fatality Probably Results From an Injury Received at Manila—No Details Known—He Was Born In Indiana, Appointed From Michigan and Served With Farragut.

Capt. Charles V. Gridley, the commander of the Olympia, Admiral Dewey’s flagship, in the Manila engagement, is dead.

Secretary Long yesterday received the following telegram from Paymaster William M. Galt, who is returning to Washington at the end of his term:

“Kobe, Japan, June 4, 1898”

“Secretary of the Navy:
“Capt. Gridley died today. Remains accompany me on Coptic. “GALT.”