Of Current Note

“The fact that I was instrumental in introducing women to employment in the offices of the government gives me more real satisfaction than all the other deeds of my life.”…
Illustration of a Union cavalry charge

Moseby Redivivus

Army of the Potomac, Feb. 10. — Moseby was on the old Bull Run battle-field yesterday, with three hundred men. The Guerrillas skirmished with our pickets, near Manassas, last evening.…

February 12, 1861 – Constitution of the Provisional Government

Montgomery, Feb. 9, 10 p. m.—The Constitution of the Provisional Government has been printed, and is now being made public. The Preamble says:

We, the Deputies of the sovereign and independent States of South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana, invoking the favor of Almighty God, do here, in behalf of these States, ordain and establish this Constitution, for the Provisional Government of the same, to continue one year from the inauguration of the President, or until a permanent Constitution or Confederation between the said States shall be put.in operation, whichsoever shall first occur.

Map of early transatlantic telegraphs

Speed over Cables

One of the essential features of a submarine cable is the speed of signaling. In operating long cables delicate instruments are required, and the currents arriving at the receiving end are feeble in comparison with those employed in land-line signaling. The longer the cable, naturally, the feebler the impulses arriving at the receiving end.

A short cable, a cable of under 1,000 miles being generally considered a short cable, gives a speed of signaling amply sufficient for all purposes, with a conductor weighing about 100 pounds to the mile, surrounded by an insulating envelope of gutta-percha weighing about an equal amount, says Scribner’s Magazine. When we come to a cable of about twice this length it is found necessary, In order to get a practically unlimited speed — that is, a speed as high as the most expert operator can read at — to employ a core of 650 pounds of copper to the mile, insulated with 400 pounds of gutta-percha to the mile.