Full Story of Cruise of Famous German Raider Seeadler Is Related

The German auxiliary cruiser SMS Seeadler capturing the French bark Cambronne off the Brazilian coast on 20 March 1917. Depicted by Willy Stöwer.

Naval Department Makes Public Interesting Account of Exploits of Kaiser’s Seamen on Board American Vessel Which Had Been Taken From English Prize Force While Sailing For Kirkwall

Washington, November 10.—The full story of the cruise of the German commerce raider Seeadler has been obtained by the navy department from Capt. Haldor Smith of the American schooner R. C. Slade, and three other mariners, who landed at Tutuila in an open boat September 29 after being marooned on Mopeha Island by the master of the Seeadler when the raider grounded and was abandoned.

The Seeadler, formerly the American ship Pass of Balmaha, belonged to the Boston Lumber company, and was in the Nova Scotia trade before the war. After the war broke out she was put under the American flag and was captured by the British and a prize officer was put aboard her with instructions to taKe her to Kirkwall, Scotland. On the way she was captured by a German submarine and sent to Bremen, and fitted out as a raider. A picked crew was placed aboard, some of whom spoke Norwegian, and sent out into the Atlantic under the guise of a Norwegian ship.

March 9, 1861 – Gov. Ellis in Wilmington

We learn from the Journal that Gov. Ellis was in Wilmington on the 5th, had a reception at the hands of his brother disunionists, and made a speech—The Journal says:

“The Governor referred to the position of public affairs in Congress and throughout the country to Mr. Lincoln’s declarations to his sneaking into Washington to the total failure of all plans of adjustment to the coercion policy of Lincoln’s message to the necessity of resistance, and to the inevitable course of things leading North-Carolina to join her fate with her sisters of the South, and that at no distant day. He did not know how the election in this State had resulted, but however it had resulted the march of events was still onwards. If we had not a convention now, we would have one very soon. When he looked around and saw the spirit manifested here he felt that the spirit of resistance to oppression which animated the men of ’76 was still alive, and its fires still burning.

Neither the law nor the constitution gave the President power to coerce any State, and the attempt to do so would be an act of usurpation that the people themselves had the natural and indefeasible right to resist, even should it be necessary to do so without waiting for the forms of authority.

Sunset at Egyptian Resort Brings Greater Activity


Comical illustration of westerners having tea at the Winter Palace Hotel.

By Karl K. Kitchen

You can tell how long any one has been in Luxor by the spot where he takes tea on the terrace of the Winter Palace Hotel. A new arrival invariably hugs the edge to get an unobstructed view of the Nile. The visitor who has been there several days is content to sit farther back, while the winter resident prefers to take his tea in the garden on the other side of the hotel, or if he happens to be an American, to replace tannic acid with cocktails at the bar.

The tea hour is “the” hour in Luxor. It is then, that the hotels—of which the Winter Palace is the most important—are at their liveliest. All the tourists are back from their excursions to the Valley of the Tombs the Kings, Medinet Abu, Karnak and the other glories of the past, and tea is not only an appropriate social function but a welcome stimulant after a tiring day in the broiling sun.

The Winter Palace is the rendezvous for all the foreign colony of Luxor at this hour. On its spacious terrace, which flanks the Nile for the entire length of the hotel, or in its beautiful gardens are to be found the most famous travelers, the greatest Egyptologists and archeologists and world celebrities who have come to Luxor to pay homage to King Tut.

Seward’s Speech

This speech which was expected for some time with considerable interest by politicians is now before us, and as we see stated elsewhere, we suppose may lie regarded as a…

Effects of the Use of Coffee

Dr. William M. Lesynsky of New York says: “Coffee, when well prepared, is beyond question one of the ambrosial luxuries of modern life. It would be as wrong to condemn its use indiscriminately as it would be to deny that under certain conditions it is harmful.

“The importation of coffee into the United States amounted in recent years to about 750,000,000 pounds a year. The importations have been increasing disproportionately to the increase in the population of the country. The price of coffee has also gone down steadily. All these things indicate a steadily increasing consumption of coffee which calls for attention from those who have responsibility for the diets of the people.