Luxor Awakening from Long Sleep
Police Intelligence – Voyeur Arrested
March 13, 1861 – Spanish Rejoicing over Americas Troubles
Boys Vamped by Flappers, Parents Cry
Girls Blamed for Snuggle Pupping and Petting Parties Nowadays
CHICAGO, March 11 — Parents of the male flapper are holding indignation meetings throughout Chicago to protect against vamping of their poor defenseless sons by sweet young things still in their ‘teens.
How to curb petting parties, the popular pastime of the younger generation everywhere it seems, occupied most of the discussion at the convention of social hygiene associations, at which were represented the Chicago Woman’s club, the Woman’s City club, the Parent Teachers’ club, and other prominent women’s organizations.
March 12, 1861 – The Zouaves

So much interest and admiration exist at the present time in and for this remarkable body of men, that we deem it not amiss to lay before our readers our idea of their characteristics and feats.
The recipe for manufacturing a Zouave is as follows: Take an ordinary man, the smaller the better ; cultivate long hair, unlimited moustachios, if at possible, bright red, placing upon the back of his head a cap something the shape of a saucepan, a brighter shade of red than the hair, with an extensive blue tassel.; envelope him in a blue bag with two other blue bags for sleeves, and presto! you have his jacket; then take two large red bags brighter red than the cap, and you at once have him breeched; you then keep continually winding blue sash around his waist until physical exhaustion compels you to cease your efforts, when clapping on a very tight pair-of white gaiters just below the very loose pair of red breeches, lo’! you have a first-rate Zouave.