Smith the Cuttist

At 1 o’clock last night, while some ladles and gentlemen were sitting in the front room of the house №61 Hospital street, a man named C. W. Smith broke in…

War News

The Richmond Enquirer of the 13th says ; “About the first of the present month, Sheridan, with between six and ten thousand men, started on a raid up the Valley,…

March 15, 1861 – The Noble Sentiment

The noble sentiment—so exultingly, enthusiastically, and unanimously adopted previous to the election of the Virginia Convention—of holding on to the fortunes of Virginia, whatever they might be—submitting to the decision…

Paderewski Sleeps Here

The Great Pianist Comes Up Tonight Over the Mexican Central And Goes West Tomorrow Morning. The great Jean Ignasce Paderewski comes to El Paso this evening, but not to play…