April 11, 1861 – Affairs in Florida
The Pensacola correspondent of the N. Y. Tribune writes from the U. S. steamer Brooklyn, off Pensacola bar, April 2d :
I can assure you our condition has been deplorable enough for some time past. At one period, we were almost reduced to the point of starvation, so successfully had the edict of Gen. Braxton Bragg, forbidding all communication with United States vessels, been carried out. As we were thus necessitated to procure the necessities of life elsewhere, we “up anchor” on the 22d ult , and steamed direct to Key West, at which place we arrived in excellent time, Here, everything was perfectly quiet, but as we run into the harbor, the hotheaded rebels that observed us busied themselves in hoisting secession flags, and as they were tauntingly flung to the breeze, accompanied the act with shouts of derision.