To Dig Into Man’s Past

Yale University Expedition to Peru Will Try to Find Bones of the Ancients

The ruins of Machu Picchu

New Haven, Conn.—The next expedition to Peru, which will be made this year under the direction of Prof. Hiram Bingham of Yale, will not be geographical as in the case of the last expedition, It was announced at Yale, recently, but will concentrate its work largely in that region where the human bones were found under a glacial deposit which indicated a minimum age of 2,000 years.

At the Park

The Noble Dramatic company opened the first night of their week’s engagement at the Park opera house last night to a good house. Considering that there were several other entertainments…

What Will Michigan Do?

Civil war is at our doors. Michigan is called upon for a regiment of Infantry or Rifles -  will she comply? If so, she must contemplate certain obstacles, and made…

A Large Fish

A large fish, called Hapuu, attracted the attention of a crowd at the Fish Market this morning. It was caught by a native named Kaihe, off Diamond Head during the…

Greatest Defeat of War Crushes German Zeppelin Airfleet

picture of several men examining the frame of a crashed zeppelin

WASHINGTON, Oct. 23.—Germany probably lost one-half of her total effective fleet of super-Zeppelins as a result of the raid of October 20 over England, according to official cablegrams received here. All France is exultant over what the dispatches declare to be the greatest defeat administered to an air fleet since the beginning of the war. The gratification is more intense because it is now known that the German raid was an attempt to carry out a fearful threat of vengeance made four days before.

On that occasion the German government sent out a warning to both France and England of dire punishment to follow what the Germans declared to be unwarranted and inhuman attacks by British and French aviators upon peaceful German towns. Reprisals were threatened in an official German communication, which in part reads: