The Augusta Constitutionalist of the 30th ultimo has the following significant paragraph:
“Jeff Davis’s War Horse. — President Davis’s war horse passed through this city last night on its way to Richmond, Virginia. Accompanying the animal was the President’s saddle, on the horn of which is a compass, to be used in case the rider should lose his way.”
The Thames Tunnel — The Thames Tunnel, which was opened on August 2d, 1848, was closed on July 21, having thus been a public footway for a period of twenty-six…
Dr. W. D, Crum of Charleston S. C., Assistant Commissioner of the Negro Department of South Carolina, Interstate and West Indian Exposition has secured an authoritative statement from the railroads…
From the Charleston Mercury, June 11. Almost everyday now brings us news of importance, yesterday brought us the intelligence of the capture of the privateer Savannah, from this port. The…
Naval Reserve Steamer Marion and Schooner Philippine in Collision
No Damage Was Done, but the Tugs Governor Markham and Redmond Had to Separate the Vessels
The Naval Reserve steamer Marion and the schooner Philippine met in collision yesterday morning. The Robert Lewers was also in the mix-up, but luckily no harm was done and none of the vessels lost more than a little paint.
The Philippine and Robert Lewers arrived from Hawaii last Tuesday and anchored oft Folsom-street wharf. The Marion came back from a short cruise outside the heads last Sunday and also anchored off the transport wharf. Unfortunately the Naval Reserve boat was anchored In the fairway and Wednesday Captain James was notified by Chief Wharfinger Henderson to move her. Without waiting for the officer of the day to put In an appearance the boatswain attempted to move the ship himself, and all the resulting trouble followed.
The government has now in its service 114 vessels, which will be employed in the blockade. As there are but few available harbors, this fleet will close up the ports…
Come with me. The fresh sea breeze is blowing and we will go on board. Our squadron of boats work out among the fleet of vessels, the Marine Band is playing on board the monster “Arapiles” ironclad, and a thousand streamers fill the sky. We are soon on board, our repast is over, and we repair to the clean quarter deck. The awnings are spread, and we seat ourselves as though at home. Soon the sun is gilding the distant hill-tops, showing here and there a tufted palm or grove of orange trees. Some distant convent bell is calling to vespers.
On Thursday last the "Centre Guards", the first company from this place, which went into the three years service, left for Camp Curtin. It was composed of sound, hardy and…
The circus parade is evidently here to stay. A few years ago a couple of the big shows thought they could draw the crowds to their tents without sending their glittering wagons, animals, clowns and steam calliope through the streets, but apparently they found that the plan was not a success. They are all back with the morning procession again, much to the joy of the small boy and his parents. too.
The St. Joseph Valley Register is responsible for the following: The Harper's Ferry soldiers sent word to Washington by travelers that they hoped the Massachusetts troops would be sent there…