American Locomotives
The best manufactory of Locomotive Engines in this country, is the establishment owned by Baldwin, Vail & Hussey, Broad street, Philadelphia. Since this company began their labors, few short years ago, they have manufactured one hundred and twenty-nine locomotive engines. Of this number twenty-six have been for the Columbia and Philadelphia Railway, twelve for the Utica and Schenectady, and ten for the Georgia Rail Road.
July 19, 1861 – Amy Warwick Captured by the Blockade
July 18, 1861 – The Missouri Battle

The Telegraph brings these further particulars of Col. Seigle’s great battle, with the rebels, in Missouri.
The Springfield correspondent of the Democrat says immediately after the arrival of Brigadier General Sweeny at Springfield, he dispatched a messenger to Colonels Seigle and Salomon, who were encamped at Neosho, to move their columns to Carthage, which was promptly done last night. A messenger arrived from Col, Seigle, stating that Gov. Jackson, and Generals Price and Rains’ united forces, about 5,000 strong, were encamped eight miles from Carthage. Colonels Seigle and Salomon pushed forward rapidly, and attacked rebel force early yesterday and continued fighting during the day. Messengers are continually arriving bringing information that the rebels are retreating south eastwardly between Sarcoxic and Mount Vernon, falling back on Caseyville, with baggage and plunder, under cover of cannon, and Seigle attacking their rear.
July 17, 1861 – Military Moving
On the 1st inst., the 1st Regiment of Arkansas Volunteers, Col. Cleburne, passed Des Arc on the steamers Cambridge, Ohio Belle and Mars. These boats conveyed the regiment to its destination, and the Ohio Belle and Mars returned here by order of Col. Cleburne, and Gov. Rector informed that the boats were here and subject to his orders, as the property of the State of Arkansas.
Note on the Death of Isambard Kingdom Brunel
July 16, 1861 – Battle at Carrack’s Ford
Gen. Garnett, in Command of the Confederates, Killed
CINCINNATI, July 14.—General Garnett, Commander of the Confederate forces, was killed be an Indiana soldier in a regular battle fought yesterday, eight miles from St. George. This is reliable. Particulars of the battle soon.
Confirmation of the Death of Gen. Garnett—His Body Brought to Grafton—Reverses of the Confederate Army
CINCINNATI, July 15 —A train arrived at Grafton at ten o’clock this morning, bringing the body of General Garnett, late Commander of the Confederate forces at Laurel Hill, where it was received with military honors, and many encomiums are expressed on the bravery he exhibited in battle.
General Garnett was killed whilst endeavoring to rally his retreating and panic stricken forces at Carrack’s Ford, near St. George.