Convict Conceals Himself Under Hot Ashes and Escapes

Endures Tortures of Scorching Bed Until Truck Passes the Prison Gates Convict Commandeers Automobile


John Campbell Under Heavy Sentence for Robbery Makes Thrilling Escape from Eastern Penitentiary

Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 9.—Suffering great pain as he was hidden underneath a pile of hot ashes on a five ton motor truck belonging to the Eastern penitentiary, John Campbell, a convict at the prison, remained silent until the truck had passed the prison gates and was a block away, then jumped from the scorching bed and made his escape in an automobile driven by one of the prison attendants.

As Campbell leaped on the running board of the prison sedan, which was driven by Charles Krout (white), the prison guard chauffeur, he pressed his pistol against Krout’s head and commanded him to drive away at his maximum speed.

Police Squad in Chinatown Will Be Sued

Shew Hing Association Takes Action.



Twenty Thousand Dollars Will Be Asked as Damages for Disturbance Created in the Quarters.

The Shew Hing Benevolent Association will bring suit early next week for $20,000 damages and costs of the action against the city and county of San Francisco, ex- Chief of Police Lees and the Chinatown squad for entering its rooms at 751 Clay street without warrant of law on the 6th day of October last.

Juveniles of Today Read Fewer Books

Publication Is Falling Off In Country, Figures Show

It said that the publication of Juvenile fiction hits fallen off greatly during the last decade. If this is so, what is the reason for it? And the answer given—the most probable reason—is the moving pictures have pushed boy’s and girl’s books out of the field.

This may very likely be true. The moving picture does what the Juvenile book did, only does it better. Neither of these literary outputs goes deeply Into any analysis of human character, but relies mainly up on action, action, action.