August 21, 1861 – The Late Col. Cameron

Col. Hiestand, of the Lancaster (Pa.) Examiner, who was present at the recent battle at Bull Run, thus speaks of the late Col. Cameron:
“When we met him the tide of victory with us, and he spoke with confidence the result of the battle would be a glorious victory for our gallant army. We separated with the farewell hope that we meet again; he to the head of his regiment to lead them into the fight; we to dreamy wanderings among the living, the wounded, the dying, and the dead.—He to die at the head of his regiment calling upon his ‘brave Scots’ to follow— we to return humiliated at the disgraceful stampede of over thirty thousand men.
Theatre Proprietor Fined for Allowing Minors to Attend

The much questioned practice of admitting minors with adult strangers to theatres came up for a test before Recorder Pickersgill at 7 o’clock last night, when Morris Streiff was fined $15 for admitting six little boys to his motion picture theatre at 189 Hall avenue. The law permits that children under age may be admitted to theatres when accompanied by “parent, guardian or adult friend,” but Recorder Pickersgill contends Streiff did not have the right to permit a man to take in six boys whom he met outside of the amusement place, even as an adult friend.
August 20, 1861 – Capt. Crumpler’s Cavalry Company
Planes Still Lost as Ships Intensify Search of Pacific
$40,000 Rewards Offered for Recovery of Miss Doran and Golden Eagle
Fruitless Quest Continued Throughout Day and Night by Radio, Fleet and Aircraft

SAN FRANCISCO, August 19.—The Pacific Ocean today was the scene of a renewed search for a brown-eyed girl of 22 and four men, missing flyers in the aerial derby to Honolulu, who may still be afloat upon its limitless leagues.
Mildred Doran, pretty school teacher of Flint. Mich., and her pilot and navigator, John A. Pedlar and Vilas R. Knope, had been down approximately 48 hours, according to the most hopeful estimates of the cruising radius of the biplane in which they set out Tuesday noon in the Dole $35,000 flight from Oakland to Honolulu. The time limit set by the builder of the plane on its ability to withstand the buffeting of the seas was only 24 hours.
August 19, 1861 – Camp Notes
Camp Berry, Concord, Aug. 18.
The organization of the Third Regiment is approaching completion. Companies and portions of companies are continually arriving, and about 1100 men are said to be enlisted already. The larger portion of the regiment is on the ground, requiring the Commissary to furnish 750 rations at each meal, and the tented field makes a warlike appearance. Throughout the camp there is perfect harmony. The boys claim they have just the best officers that ever graced a New Hampshire regiment. Col. Fellows and Lt. Colonel Jackson have won the friendship of every man, and the matters in the Quartermaster and Commissary Departments are arranged for the comfort and satisfaction of all.
Seeing the Monkey
August 18, 1861 – Flour for the Army
Dramatic Scene Marks First Day Of Murder Trial
TOMBSTONE. Ariz, Aug. 16. The first day of the trial of James Haverty, charged with murdering his brother, Richard, on April 21, came to a sensational close this evening when Mrs. Richard Haverty rushed at the man accused of slaying her husband, vigorously slapped his face, and then collapsed in the arms of friends. The incident occurred as Haverty was leaving the court room.
James Haverty is charged, with having shot his brother following an exchange of words near Ramsey Canyon about 40 miles east of here. The Haverty brothers were tor many years well known cattlemen in south eastern Arizona.
August 17, 1861 – The Transfer—Coast Defence, Etc.
We are glad that the time when the forts, naval vessels, arsenals, arms, armaments etc., belonging to North Carolina is to be transferred to the Confederate Government, is near at hand.
That much work has been done on our coast we are willing to admit, and that we have many brave and gallant men on the Seaboard is undeniable, but still the defences are not what they ought to be, nor are the forces as numerous at some points as they should be.