Hunters To Take Field
Exodus From City For Opening of Season Seen
The mighty chicken hunters start out tomorrow.
North Dakota’s annual hunting season—the biggest sport of all for some—opens. Seven hundred hunters’ licenses had been issued by the county auditor today, and it was certain that there would be an exodus from the city for the first day of the sport.
September 15, 1861 – From Fortress Monroe
September 14, 1861 – Latest News
The U. S. gunboats Conestoga and Lexington, on Tuesday, attacked a rebel battery of sixteen suns, on the Missouri side of h Mississippi river, near to Lucas bend, and, after an action silenced the battery, and disabled the rebel gunboat Yankee.
Charles H. Foster, a loyal member of Congress, from North Carolina, called on President Lincoln, and tendered to him a full brigade of loyalists from that State.
The lower house of the Kentucky Legislature yesterday adopted, by ayes 71, noes 26 resolutions directing the Governor to issue his proclamation ordering the rebel troops to evacuate Kentucky. The Legislature also refused to receive a resolution directing a proclamation to be issued for the departure of both the United States and rebel troops.
Ticonic Bridge Closed to Traffic

The Ticonic road bridge was closed to traffic yesterday and from now until the new surface of creolite wood blocks is completed traffic will be diverted to the bridge used by the A. and K. electric car line. Officers have keen stationed at each end of the bridge so as to keep traffic from jamming. Workmen started tearing up the old plank and before the day was over half of the old surface had been removed. The bridge will be closed for about six weeks.
September 13, 1861 – The Steam Frigate Merrimac

The Rev. J.J. Nicholson, writing from Norfolk on the 28th ult., gives the Mobile Tribune and interesting account of a visit he recently paid to the navy yard at that place. He describes the Merrimac as follows:
September 12, 1861 – Loyal Delaware
September 11, 1861 – To The Ladies
September 10, 1861 – The English Press on American Affairs
Charred Bodies Recovered from Air Liner Wreck
Victims of Plane Disaster Burned Beyond Recognition.
By United Press
GRANTS, N. Mex., Sept. 8.—High on the wooded hillsides of Mt. Taylor, 65 miles south of here, a searching party Sunday found the charred bodies of the passengers and crew of the ill-fated air liner City of San Francisco.