January 16, 1862 – A “Model” Secesh Widow

I have on former occasions spoken of the abuse to which the flag of truce, in spite of the utmost vigilance of the officers, was liable. I have an interesting case, and as usual, there is a woman in it illustrating the fact.

Saturday afternoon last, there came from Norfolk, two ladies, direct from Richmond, one of them from Rhode Island, whose identity was established beyond all dispute, and was accompanied by her son, released from imprisonment. The other, by the name of Baxley, was travelling on the usual pass. On the way to Old Point, she made inquiries of Capt. Millward whether she would be subject to an examination at Old Point, and as she was informed that Provost Marshal Davis, about whom she seemed anxious to know as much as possible in advance, would probably act according to circumstances she appeared slightly uneasy.

On arriving here she was not submitted to a rigid examination, but allowed to proceed to Baltimore. Capt. Davis’ suspicion had become aroused, however, and as the boat was about to leave he particularly charged his deputy, Sergeant Brigham, of Fortress Monroe, who constantly goes up and down the bay, to keep a close watch on her. This officer formed her acquaintance during the evening, but she did not suspect the capacity in which he was acting. The suspicions communicated by Capt. Davis were strengthened, but it was deemed prudent to communicate them to no one, nor to take any steps before morning.

At the breakfast table Mrs. Baxley (for she appeared to be a married woman) threw off all disguise and avowed herself a Secessionist, which entirely convinced Deputy Marshal Brigham that he was on the right track. The boat arrived at Baltimore, and Mrs. B. went ashore and engaged a hack. Returning to the boat, she gathered up her luggage which consisted of a satchel and two or three parcels, and was about to leave the boat finally, when the officer informed her that he desired a few moments further conversation in his proper character as Deputy Provost Marshal for Old Point, acting under the orders of Gen. Wool. Professing some surprise, she accompanied him to the men’s saloon of the boat, where she was informed that she would have to submit to have her person examined.

This piece of information threw her off her balance, in fact completely broke her down. She confessed, and taking her bonnet from her head, disclosed the fact that it was lined with letters, and taking off her shoes and stockings brought out another batch, at the same time protesting on her honor and character that they were all that she had in her possession. But the officer who had imbibed no very elevated opinion of either, declines to accept the assurance, and informed her that the examination must go on. Meanwhile Provost Marshal McPhail, who had been sent for arrived with a female to make the search, which was in a state-room.

We need not here confine ourselves to minute detail farther than to state that officer Brigham, who was at the door, soon had his attention attracted by a noise and a scream in the state-room. Opening the door he beheld the searcher with her hands griped about the throat of the searched, who was in nearly a nude state, and who clenched in one of her hands a paper, of which the officer (it being no time for special modesty) speedily took possesion. Mrs. Baxley was highly indignant ; in fact she was amazed, perfectly furious, and undertook to make an exhibition of herself, a la Varieties, in the saloon of the boat.

The paper in question was a commission signed by Jefferson Davis, appointing Dr. Septimus Brown, of Baltimore, surgeon in the Confederate army. This with other papers and letters was ingeniously placed in the lining of a part of her dress, so as to increase the fullness, so becoming in a well-proportioned woman, though seldom suspected of owing its graceful lines to commissions signed by Jefferson Davis. The search was thorough. Letters and papers of more or less importance were found in all sorts of places. Mrs. Baxley now had little left to conceal, and she was perfectly ferocious. Re-clothing herself, she was taken in custody to tho Provost Marshal’s office. Here she undertook to convey a warning to some one probably Brown by throwing out of the window a piece of paper which had written on it, “Flee ! I am caught. All is lost!” The message fell into other hands than those for whom It was intended.

Doctor Brown was shortly after lodged in Fort McHenry, and proper steps taken in regard to other persons implicated by the papers found on Mrs. Baxley, who is retained in custody. To Officer Brigham she confessed that but a short time ago, she left Baltimore, made her way across Maryland to Potomac, and thence to Richmond ; told her adventures, which were marked by many a stirring incident, with bitter lamentation, and with almost a broken heart, mourned the miscarriage of all her undertakings.

Vermont Phoenix, Brattleboro, VT


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