88 Story Office Building May Be Built in New York

Engineers Considering the Feasibility of Plans for Structure to Outrank Woolworth Tower.

New York, Dec. 9.—New York is to have an 88-story office building outranking in height the Woolworth building, which has 61 stories, according to meager information obtainable in real estate circles.

No definite Information regarding the new building will be given the public for the present, it was said at the offices of Cass Gilbert, architect. It was admitted that the project was under consideration, although details are being withheld because negotiations for the size have not been closed.

The new mammoth structure will occupy an entire block in downtown Broadway, it is said.

Leaders in the architectural, engineering and construction world were called Into conference to determine the practicability of rearing a structure of such height, it was explained, and as a result it was decided to make a study of the Woolworth building. The tests of the great tower which now tops all other buildings in New York city have been under way for two weeks.

Whether the new skyscraper will be built to the height contemplated will depend upon the outcome of the tests of the Woolworth building. Mr. Gilbert, who designed and superintended the construction of the Woolworth structure, has charge of the tests.

The Woolworth building is 792 feet high and if the stories of the contemplated building were of the same height it would tower more than 1,000 feet above the ground.

The United States Steel corporation and the DuPonts have been mentioned as possible backers of the new building project, although no definite information as to this phase has been obtained.

New Britain Herald, New Britain, CT, December 9, 1924


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