In the Philadelphia Navy Yard

A force of three hundred workmen is now engaged at this naval station. The Jamestown is still on the dry dock, and the caulkers are steadily at work. — The new planking is on, and it would take only a short time to prepare her for active service. The St. Lawrence has been planked. She lies moored to the wharf, ready to receive her stores and armament. The Pawnee is up to the wharf, and her machinery is undergoing a thorough overhauling, preparatory to her departure, about the 26th of this month, for Washington. She mounts twelve 9 inch guns, formidable looking weapons, calculated to throw 68 pounders, and do considerable execution. The four 11-inch guns, at first intended for the Pawnee, lying in the yard. The Water Witch will be put in complete order in the course of a couple of weeks.

Delaware State journal and statesman, February 15, 1861


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