Atlanta Wants It, and Savannah, Macon and Valdosta Expected to Put in Bids.
Atlanta, Nov. 9. —With Atlanta already In the running it looks as if there will be several strong competitors for the next State Fair in 1905. Directors of the State Agricultural Society feel assured that Savannah is going to make a good bid for the fair, and it is thought also that Macon and Valdosta will lay claim to it.
Hon. Dudley Hughes of Danville, Twiggs county, president of the State Agricultural Society, appears to be anxious that Atlanta shall have the next fair. As the result of some correspondence between himself and George W. Parrott of this city a meeting of fifty prominent Atlanta businessmen was held, and ft committee of seven Atlantans will be appointed to continue the correspondence with Mr. Hughes.
A $10,000 Fund
Those who attended the meeting stated they felt sure that a fund of $10,000 could be raised between now and February, the time at which the Executive Committee of the State Agricultural Society will take up the matter of locating the next State Fair. An effort will also be made to secure thproposed government appropriation of $10,000 for a cattle exhibit in this section, to be used in connection with the next Georgia State Fair.
Those who are familiar with the situation do not believe that $10,000 will get the next State Fair. It is the general belief that there will be some strong competition and that high figures will be the result.
Says Savannah Will Make Good Offer
“I know that Savannah wants the next State Fair,” said Hon. Martin V. Calvin, one of the Executive Committee, in discussing the matter to-day. “And I am satisfied, too, that Savannah is going to make a good offer for it.
‘‘l think we are going to require the competitors for the fair next year,” Mr. Calvin continued, “to come before the committee prepared to sign the contract as soon as the committee is ready to award it. And another thing I am pretty sure of is that the State Agricultural Society will want a little more authority and a little more to do with the management of the fair than has been the case heretofore. Next year’s fair is going to be a good one, whoever gets it, for we are going to begin to work right now for its success.”
The Savannah Morning News, Savannah, GA, November 10, 1904