The Key West correspondent of the New York Herald, writing under date of the 20th inst., says:
To show how important it is that the navy should always have one or more steamers at Key West, last evening a vessel arrived with dispatches from Consul Savage to Major French, reporting the arrival at Cardenas, on be 16th inst., of the Confederate steamship Theodora, from Charleston. S. C., having the French Consul and family on board, and also Messrs. Mason and Slidell, Commissioners from Richmond, for France and England. There was also communicated by the Consul the fact that on the 9th the British schooner Evelyne, Captain F. Vincent, cleared from Neuvitas for Baltimore with a cargo of West India goods. The Consul had reliable in formation that her destination was Charleston. Had a steamer like the Keystone State been on this station to give chase to these vessels, the capture of one would have been of much service to our Government and highly honorable to the captors.
Daily Nashville Patriot, Nashville, TN