September 24, 1861 – Military Camp in Marysville

The wishes of our people have been gratified, and a military camp has been established at this point under Lieut. Col. Dobbins of the Fifth Regiment. The field officers of the regiment are: Colonel, John Kellogg, (Captain of Artillery, U. S. Army); Lieutenant Colonel, M. D. Dobbins; Major, Theodore A. Coult. The Lieut. Colonel and Major, being Marysville men, naturally feel very desirous that their home should furnish a full proportion of the regiment. The fifth will he made up from the Northern district of the State. None of its officers are from South of Sacramento. Let Marysville show her patriotism, by furnishing at least three companies, in addition to what she has already done. Only one company, (Capt Singer’s) thus far, has gone from here, but enough of our citizens to make up another full one, have enlisted in other companies, to wit: the Sierra Grays, Capt. Calloway ’s Butte county company (we had fifty-two in that), and others. On C street, between Second and Third a recruiting office for the Second regiment, (Col Lippitt’s) takes off something like thirty men this morning. A cavalry recruiting office is also open at the Arcade. We have already done very well; but we repeat, there should be not less than three companies of infantry raised here for the Fifth regiment. The recruiting office is at 33 D street, opposite Wells, Fargo & Co’s. The camp will be at the grounds belonging to the city, and used by the Agricultural Society as Cattle Grounds. Commissary stores have arrived, and recruits will be placed there immediately, and will draw the pay and rations of regular soldiers, from the time of their enlistment.

Our city has been honored in the selection of two field officers of the regiment, and we hope every Union man here will feel it to be his duty to lend a helping hand, in someway, towards filling up the ranks. Colonel Dobbins and Major Coult have been subjected to a rigid examination, as to military qualifications, at headquarters, and pronounced fully competent for the positions they now occupy. They are popular men, and their Colonel is an officer in the regular army. The Fifth should be the crack regiment of the State.

Daily National Democrat, Marysville, CA


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