September 12, 1861 – Loyal Delaware

In all the range of border States,  
To whom we've ne'er been crusty,
The staunch unflinching Delaware's
The only one that's trusty.

While wicked treason ranges wild
All up and down her borders,
She still defends the stars and stripes,
And waits for further orders.

Not all Virginia's treachery,
Nor Maryland's distraction,
Can make her quit her Uncle Sam,
For any traitor faction.

And Delaware has had her share
Of treason agitators,
But than there's something in her soil
That don't agree with traitors.

The Union will remember her
When force of arms it uses,
And give to her of Maryland
As much as e'er she chooses.

And when to future peace we pledge
A bumper rare and royal,
We'll say of gallant Delaware,
She's little, but she's loyal
N. Y. Sunday Mercury

Smyrna Times, Smyrna, DE


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