July 20, 1861 – Telegraphic From New Orleans

New Orleans, July 10—At six o’clock on Tuesday morning the Confederate Sand Batteries on Ship Island, at the mouth of the Mississippi, opened upon a king Abe war steamer two miles distant, which returned the fire. The enemy threw some thirty odd rounds of shell and round shot, which sank in the sand, and were used by our batteries in returning the fire. It was supposed the attacking steamer was struck three times in the hull, and a shell exploded over her decks, doing great damage, as she immediately hauled off, and put for Chandler Island, twelve miles from our batteries.

On the Confederate side one man was slightly injured in the leg, but no other damage was sustained.

Keowee Courier, Pickens Court House, S.C.

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Fulton

    What an interesting story. I have never heard before of scooping up the shells and using them to return fire. Like something out of a cartoon.

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