July 14, 1861 – Discharge of Misses Scott from Arrest

The Misses Scott, whose rebel witchery spirited away Captain Kellogg—not Goodman—of the Connecticut Volunteers, some weeks ago, and who were arrested yesterday by Lieutenant Upton, as detailed in my despatch in to day’s Herald, were told by General Tyler last night that they need not remain in his custody, and were sent home in the same carriage in which they were brought to the General’s headquarters. They stated that they were residing with a Union man not far from outside of our lines, and were consequently more harassed by the rebels than by the Union forces. They desired to remain under the protection of General Tyler, but he declined. Of course they would be sure to use all the information they might thus obtain for the benefit of therebels, with whose cause they are believed to sympathize very strongly.

The New York Herald, New York, NY

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