July 1, 1861 – The Military Picnic

This grand affair, for the benefit of our volunteer soldiery, will begin tomorrow, amid the delightful shades of the City Park. All kinds of tents, booths, and other aids to recreation will be disposed around amid the oaks, and inhabited by bevies of bewitching dryades, with bounteous store of refreshments, music and everything that can contribute to refined enjoyment. It will be a sylvan festival of the happiest description, continuing daily till the evening of the glorious Fourth. It cannot fail to realize a large sum for the noble purpose contemplated. Omnibuses will be running constantly out Canal street to the Park, and from the Bayou Bridge, where the cars stop. Contributions in the way of sweet-meats, confectionery, solid provisions. wines, etc., will be thankfully received by the lady managers of the festival; and those having such things to offer, can send them to Confederate (late Union) Hall, in the Fourth District; to Margaret’s bakery, No. 36 New Levee street, or to the Methodist Church on Carondelet street.

New Orleans Daily Crescent, New Orleans, LA

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