Fair of the Royal Hawaiian Agricultural Society

We are requested to call attention to the following regulation of the Board of Managers, in regard to the Fair to be had on the 14th inst. The Society will meet on Tuesday; the annual address will be delivered on the evening of that day, at the Supreme Court Room, at half past seven o’clock; the Fair will be held on Wednesday, the 14th, opening at 12 o’clock noon, in the Court room.

Requirements from Competitors.

All exhibitors, except ladies, and natives who are members of auxiliary societies, paying their subscription fees into the parent Society, must become members of the Society, in order to take a premium, and must have their articles and animals entered on the Secretary’s books not later than Tuesday, June 14th 1854.

All articles for exhibition must bo delivered to the Committers appointed for the reception and arrangement of articles as early as Wednesday morning, 9 A. M., except flowers, which will be received until 10 A.M. .

Horses and all other animals must be brought to the grounds as early as 10 1-2 A. M.

The Polynesian, Honolulu, HI, June 10, 1854


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