June 5, 1861 – The Murders of Our Pickets

It is undoubtedly the understanding among the people residing in the neighborhood of the pickets of Gen. McDowell’s command and the line of pickets of the disunionists in Gen. McD.’s immediate vicinity, that the nightly attempts being made to murder the U. S. picket guards by stealthily creeping up In the bush and firing at their backs, is the work of the two brothers of the late James Jackson, who killed Col. Ellsworth. They are said to be finely mounted, and, we (personally) know well, know every cow trail In the vicinity of the United States lines in Fairfax and Alexandria counties. They are believed to head a company of some fifteen or twenty. It Is necessary that their assassin work should be summarily stopped, as It can be, it seems to us, by a constantly moving patrol thrown out a short distance in advance of the regular picket guards.

Evening Star, Washington, DC


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