May 27, 1861 – From Norfolk

Special Correspondent to The Dispatch — Norfolk, VA, May 25, 1861

About two thousand troops embarked yesterday from Fortress Monroe, and proceeded South in small steamers and gun boats. At the same time all of the vessels that had been captured and held as prizes at that place sailed and went to sea. There are only four vessels left at Old Point and in Hampton Roads, viz : the Cumberland, the Minnesota (frigate,) and two small steamers  

It was rumored here last night that the people of Hampton had set fire to and burned the leading over Hampton creek night before last, and that Federal troops from the Fort to the number of four thousand were yesterday (Friday) marched up towards Hampton, for the purpose of supplying themselves, with provision, stating that their provisions had nearly given out at the Fort, and also, that they were short of water, besides many of them were sick, and that, upon learning that the bridge had been burned, they immediately marched up the Peninsula towards Back River, in order to cross at the head of the creek, and in this way gain possession of Hampton. To this report, however, I do not attach much credence — because if the bridge was really burnt, the light would have been seen from the battery at Sewell’s Point, and also at Fort Monroe, and there would have been no necessity of marching four thousand troops to the spot in order to ascertain the fact. It may, however, prove to be correct, and it would be well (as I mentioned in a former letter) for the citizens of your place to be on the alert, and guard well the route from Richmond, through Williamsburg, and also the way from Richmond to West Point and below. 

Gen. Huger arrived here yesterday by the Petersburg train. He is in fine health, and looks remarkably well. He succeeds General Gwynn, who has resigned the command.  

The vote in favor of secession, on Thursday, so far as heard from, has been almost unanimous.  

The enemy have been committing depredations at Cape Henry Light-House, where there has been no battery erected, as was first contemplated, by taking away the lamps, &c. The oil had been previously removed to a place of safety. Our city is remarkably quiet.

The Daily Dispatch, Richmond, VA

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