May 18, 1861 – A Brotherly Letter

The following is an extract of a letter recently received, in this city, by a brother from his sister : 

“Virginia seems a long way for you to go from us on a campaign, and it is fortunate your constitution is good, and that you have had some training near home. You know us well enough to know that our anxieties will follow you, both in the quiet camp and the battle field, and you will not take it amiss if I beg you to evade more carefully the great and sometimes overpowering tendency to idle habits of dissipation in camp life; but no, I need not thus warn one whose mother’s yearning heart prays for him nightly. God bless you, my brother, and save you from the snares of temptation. As for all else, I feel that we must cheerfully submit to the calls of our country. Virginia will be a healthy climate for you, and I have strong faith in the bravery of our troops to repel the foe without much loss of life, so you will do yourself honor, and go, hearing the cheerful hopes of your dear sister.”

Keowee Courier, Pickens Court House, SC


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