Pleasant Social Event

The dance given last Saturday evening in the new drugstore building proved a decided success and was undoubtebly the crowning feature of the social doings of East Roundup thus far. Over fifty numbers were sold which would show that fully a hundred people were present to participate in the event, it being a matter of general suprise where all the fair ladies came from. There were people present from Musselshell, Elso, Harlowton and other distant places who all voted that they had if most pleasant time. The music furnished by the Marceyes orchestra assisted by Otto Wilson and Mrs. J. B. Ryan, was par excellent, and the dancers enjoyed themselves to the fullest extent until the last familiar strains of old “Home Sweet Home” died away. Supper was served at the Milwaukee Cafe and pronounced excellent by all who partook of the midnight meal, Mr. and Mrs. Haight and Mr. E. H. Blair, as hosts and hostess, did everything in their power to make the affair a success and strained every effort in seeing that their guests enjoyed themselves.

The Roundup Record, Roundup, MT, May 8, 1908


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