A Thrilling Ascent

Miss Mary Way took her celestial way from the Place d’Armes, last evening, in the air-ship “Paul Morphy,” attended, as usual, by her gallant cavalier, Prof. Wilson. Prof. Wilbur and his big smoke-balloon got off a little before; having gone up harum-scarum and come down caflumux, before the Morphy was fairly under way. Both went off toward the lake, in a northwesterly direction. We did not wait to hear how or where they landed. A good crowd assembled within the canvas to see the ascension, and the usual myriads glutted the streets outside. Miss Way wore a beaver Bloomer hat, a profusion of black ringlets, a black silk dress, and a stylish gray shawl ; and looked very pretty as she went up. She seems to delight in being blown sky-high.

New Orleans Daily Crescent, New Orleans, LA, April 25, 1859


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