
In Germany
11 Communists Slain in German Disorder (1924)
Hitler Rules as New German Chancellor (1933)

In Italy
The Fascist Aristocracy (1926)
Fascist Absolutism in Italy (1927)
Il Duce Roars Defiance to the World (1935)

In the US
Green Denounces Fascist Activity in Trade Unions (1935)
Dies Committee Report Accuses Anti-Semitic Groups of “Racketeering” (1939)

Fair Wind (Clipper)
Later Foreign News (HI, 1861)

Fannie Crenshaw (Bark)
A Richmond Vessel Hoists the Confederate Flag (1861)

Faraday, Michael (English Scientist, 1791-1867)
Lighthouses Illuminated by Electricity (1860)

The Jefferson Shoe (1814)

Fishing Season Opened Today for all Hook and Line Fish Except Black Bass (1920)

Flinders Petrie, Sir William Matthew (British Egyptologist, 1853-1942)
A Glimpse of Ancient Egypt with Two Egyptians (1900)
A Statuette 6500 Years Old (1903)
Ten layers of History (1903)

Florida (state of)
During the US Civil War
Affairs in Florida (1861)
The Pensacola Forts (1861)
Seizure of the federal arsenal at Chattahoochee (1861)
Northern Views of
Florida's Villainy (1861)

Food & Dining
Ostriches Here for Big Banquet (1915)

Formosa (see Taiwan)

Fort McHenry
A Visit to Fort McHenry (1861)
Proposes Creation of National Park at Fort McHenry Site (1924)

Fort Pickens
Affairs in Florida (1861)
The Pensacola Forts (1861)
Forts Sumter and Pickens (1861)

Fort Sumter
An Incident at Fort Sumter (1861)
Captain Doubleday’s Statement (1861)
The Charleston Batteries (1861)
Col. Lamon to Charleston (1861)
Forts Sumter and Pickens (1861)
Interesting from Fort Sumpter (1861)
Remarkable Letter from Fort Sumter—No Provisions nor Ensnarement Needed (1861)
A Salute on Washington’s Birthday (1861)

Frazar, Everett (American Diplomat and Merchant, 1834-1901)
Interesting Lecture in West Falmouth (1897)

Free People of Color in the US
Free, and Not Free (1821)

Fuller Palmer (Schooner)
Aground off Nantucket (1910)