Villany in the Bahamas

The Boston Advertiser publishes an account of an offer made by the mate of the Sea, a wrecker, of New Providence, to a ship master recently arrived at Boston, to run his vessel on shore on some of the passage islands or keys, for which he offered him one half the salvage, security for which he would give cash in hand (even before doing the deed,) one-fourth the estimated value of the cargo. The master asked him where he would get the money; he said his captain had it on board, and moreover that he generally carried a considerable amount with him for similar purposes. On learning the character of the neighborhood, the master concluded that it was a dangerous one, and therefore determined to get out of it as quietly and quickly as possible. The Advertiser has heretofore published two instances of British wreckers making propositions to captains arriving at Boston, to cast away their vessels at the Bahamas. The subject calls for the attention of the British Government.—N. Y. Courier.

Alexandria Gazette, Alexandria, VA, April 22, 1844


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