What Will Michigan Do?

Civil war is at our doors. Michigan is called upon for a regiment of Infantry or Rifles –  will she comply? If so, she must contemplate certain obstacles, and made ready for them.  

First and foremost, Michigan has no money. She has no arms hardly a musket, no accoutrements of serviceable kind, no blankets, tents, powder or ball. Yet the act of Congress of 1795, which overrules and overrides all State constitution, is imperative, and makes it necessary for the State to do its share. One of two ways must be adopted – either treasury warrants must be issued, upon which to raise money, or the Legislature must be called together, and bonds must be issued for that specific purpose. 

It will require $100,000 to put the regiment now called for in marching orders. The issue of warrants for that amount, would embarrass the Treasury, and there is a question whether they could be profitably negotiated, as they must be drawn against a fund already appropriated. There is no real difficulty in the way of the law authorizing the issue of Bonds. The present is as exigency which takes the case out of the present constitution, by an overruling act of Congress. If the President has the power to call for a force from the State of Michigan, and if Michigan is compelled to answer that requisition, the power to raise money to put that force in the field, is one of direct and irresistable implication. 

Should Michigan hesitate, she arrays herself with the insurgent States, by refusing, under an ineffectual provision of her constitution, from doing her share toward the common defence. In such a case, the State administration could only hope to find support, from the handful of leaders who are now found upon the four-corners, basely exulting over the outrage of the rebel States, upon the flag and constitution of their country.

The hour for decisive action, has come to all patriotic men.

The Lansing State Republican, Lansing, MI, April 17, 1861


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