Assembly Splits in Bitter Debate on Textbook Plan

The Indianapolis Times, Indianapolis, IN, January 26, 1923

One of the bitterest fights in the Legislature was going on outside the chambers of the two Houses today over the bill introduced in the House of Representatives providing city and county boards of education may adopt textbooks. The bill was rushed through the committee on education and reported for passage.

Charges and counter-charges were being hurled as a result of the quick action on the measure. Opponents of the bill contend it is designed for profit to book publishers. They pointed out that the measure would make possible the adoption of nearly 700 different sets of textbooks.

The bill for the reorganization of the State board of education, reducing the number and changing the character of the personnel, also was coming in for severe criticism. It was charged this bill was designed to make State book adoptions easier for publishers in case the other bill is not passed.


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