Beer Shortage is Worrying Citizens

Consternation reigned for a while last week when it became noised abroad that the supply of whiskey and other beverages was diminishing so rapidly that a famine in these articles stared Iditarod in the face.

Inquiry shows that while some brands of whiskey are short there is apparently sufficient on hand to last until the opening of navigation, and the same may be said of beer and cigars, although the two latter are really short, and may be exhausted earlier.

The provision market is fairly well stocked with staples at present, but eggs and onions are likely soon to be off the market. Generally speaking, all grocery stocks will be cleaned up by the opening of navigation.

According to one merchant a shortage of any particular article immediately leads to an increased demand for the same, as purchasers wish to assure themselves of a supply in the future when the goods may be off the market. This has been exemplified in the case of eggs, which in dozens of instances have been purchased for no other reason.

Iditarod Pioneer, Iditarod, AK, January 11, 1913


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