Marseilles-Algiers Airship Service

It is reported that a French syndicate is now preparing to organize an oversea airship service between Marseilles and Algiers and contemplate employing on this line three of the surrendered German airships, the “Nordstern”, the L72 and the LZ113. At present, there is no direct air line running between Paris and Marseilles, the nearest approach to this being the service between Bordeaux, Toulouse and Montpellier. It is not to be doubted, however, that as soon as the airship service is in operation the Paris-Marseilles airplane route will be opened. As the intention is to run a night service over the sea, probably the airplane arrive from Paris will be so arranged that the machines leave in time to connect with the airship leaving Marseilles in the evening. It should then be possible for a businessman to leave London about midday, and be in Algiers the next morning.

Aviation Week, October 10, 1921


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