March 28, 1861 – News from Washington

Col. Lamon, President Lincoln’s special envoy to Fort Sumter, returned to Washington yesterday afternoon. The particulars of the result of his mission have not been made public, but it Is known that Fort Sumter will be evacuated as soon as the vessel detailed to convey away the garrison shall reach Charleston harbor, and arrangements for their removal have been completed.

Our correspondent at Charleston states that President Davis has made a requisition upon the Governors of South Carolina, Florida and Georgia for troops, but upon what service they are to be despatched had not transpired.

In the United States Senate yesterday a message was received from the President declining to communicate the despatches received from Major Anderson, the commander at Fort Sumter, as their publication would at this time be inexpedient. A long debate then endued upon the question of taking up Senator Breckinridge’s resolution advising the withdrawal of the federal troops from the seceded States. Upon taking the question the vote stood 19 to 10. As there was not a quorum, the subject was dropped, and the Senate went into executive session, and in the course of a couple of hours confirmed a large number of appointments. A list of the names is given among our telegraphic despatches.

The New York Herald, New York, NY


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