From the Paris Constitutional
Mr. Buchanan has sought out the means of preserving the Union from the catastrophe which threatens it; he has drawn up a plan of reconciliation between the Northern and Southern States. It cannot, however, be said that this project is a compromise, inviting the two adverse parties to mutual concessions and equal sacrifices; it is rather a summons addressed to one to yield to the exigencies of the other; it is more like a decision come to with partiality than an equitable arbitration. To the North, which has gained Its cause before the people, the President signifies that it must abandon the benefit of the decision for the profit of the South, which has been the losing party. Under pretext of conciliation, the Message calls on the conqueror to place himself under the feet of the conquered. Such is the ground-work of Mr. Buchanan’s propositions.
What then, does Mr Buchanan ask for? He requires the North to accept, as forming part or the Constitution itself, the three following points: 1. An express recognition of the right of property over slaves wherever Slavery exists or may exist: 2. The duty of protecting that right on all common Territories, until they constitute themselves into States; 3. The recognition of the right of a master to have a fugitive slave delivered up to him by all the States, and a declaration that all the laws of a state, which are in contradiction to that right are so many violations of the Constitution, and must, therefore, be null and of non effect. It is tantamount to saying to the North: “Grant to the South all its claims; it will then be satisfied, and will not separate itself from you.”
Will the North resign itself to a capitulation of its conscience— to a sacrifice of its self love—and submit, in exchange for the maintenance of the Confederation, to all the exigencies of the South? Will it accept the evasion proposed to. it under the form of remonstrances and wise advice? According to Mr. Buchanan, that would be the only means of saving the Union. Or will the North, irritated in its turn by the reproaches of the President, who throws on it the whole responsibility or the crisis, persist in Its victory, and allow the South, which It has neither threatened nor provoked, to act as it likes? That is what a no distant future will inform us. For our part, our wishes are at the same time for the safely of the great American Republic and for the gradual diminution of Slavery. We much fear, however, that the North will see in the late Message propositions offensive to it; while the South will find there an encouragement to its projects of rupture. Mr. Buchanan would thus have failed in his attempt at pacification, and will have bequeathed to his fellow-countrymen only an incoherent commentary on the Constitution of the Republic. Would it not have been better if he had referred to a famous letter of Washington. dated In April, 1786, in which that “Father of his Country” said: ‘ There is not a man living who desires more sincerely than I to see a plan adopted for the abolition of Slavery; but there is but one suitable and effectual mode of accomplishing that object—legislative authority.”
Delaware State Journal and Statesman, Wilmington, DE