The Deep Sea Fishing Company

Steam Schooner (Yosemite)

The Daily Morning Astorian, Astoria, OR, January 8, 1887

The Dolphin, the new steam schooner of the Astoria Deep Sea Fishing Co., went out yesterday, for the first time. She is fully equipped with nets, trawls, seines, sea lines, etc., and will, it is calculated, carry on a good business. There is certainly no reason why the enterprise should not be a paying one from the start. Every one in Astoria is hungry for fish. There is a big demand, but no supply. Portland wants fish, so do The Dalles, Walla Walla, the Willamette valley towns; and orders have been received as far away as Denver, Col. The fish at the mouth of the Columbia are unequaled in flavor and variety, and from the demand for the limited quantity heretofore procured, it is believed that the new vessel, which was specially built for this business, will be all that is expected in every way.


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