Pawnee  log, April 15, 1861

At 9:30 a.m. got underway and stood in toward Charleston bar. At 10, large steamer carrying the American ensign at the fore and what is now called the Confederate flag at her main gaff, and having on board Major Anderson and his command, came out from the harbor of Charleston and steered for the transport steamer Baltic. The Charleston steamer proved to be the Isabel. At 12 m. commenced transferring the officers, men, and luggage from the Isabel to the Baltic, the Pocahontas, this ship, and the Harriet Lane keeping under steam near the Baltic. At 4 p. m. the Isabel returned to Charleston. The stops of the flag which waved over Fort Sumter during the attack were broken, and as it blew out from the main truck of the Baltic it was saluted by the United States steamers and greeted by three times three cheers from the crews of the vessels. At 5:30 took our departure.

From the log of the USS Pawnee


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