Notes from the Marine List — Ghost Ship

Painting of three sailing ships


schr [schooner] E S Powell, [captain] Murch, New York, 4 days, to G W Davis.

On Thursday at 12 o’clock, about 30 miles South and West of Lookout, fell in with the brig Pinta, of Portland, Maine, abandoned. Had balance reef mainsail and fore spencer set, flag flying, union down ; rudder gone, but no other injurry to the vessel discoverable. Long boat missing. Cargo, of molasses, undisturbed. By the Log it appeared that she left Havana on the 25th February, for New York. Capt. M put on board his second mate and two men, and the Pinta kept company with the E S Powell to New Inlet, from whence she was brought up by a Steamer. All her papers, and a large number of letters for different parts of the United States, were found on board. The last entry on the Logbook reads thus : “ March 10th, 12 M ; a very heavy gale and sea, hove to under three reefed mainsail. Latitude by dead reckoning 33° 27′.” Her cargo consists of 269 hhds [hogsheads] and 40 tierces of molasses, a part on deck. She is lying at the warf, awaiting the action of the Court of Admiralty.

Wilmington Journal, Wilmington, NC, March 20, 1846


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