Rep. Patman Reports on “Fascism in Action”

“Fascism in Action”, the first full-length analysis of fascism written by a government agency, has sold 36,790 copies at 40 cents each. Rep. Wright Patman (D., Texas) told the congress February 21. Declaring that the “tyranny of the Right can be as dangerous as the tyranny of the Left,” Patman has introduced a resolution to allow free distribution of 100,000 copies of the booklet. More than 600,000 copies of another booklet, “Communism in Action” have been distributed without charge at a cost to the government of nearly $35,000, he said.

In a speech urging the congress to approve his resolution, Patman declared that while he was “opposed to communism in any form” and believed it “should be fought with every means at our command,” he also believed that the dangers of fascism should not be overlooked.

Fascism Today—Press Is Silent

Fascism is today an ever present danger to our democracy. We must consider not only how to recognize its manifestations but also what we can do to combat it,” he said.

Recounting the difficulties he had had in first getting publication of the booklet on fascism approved Patman declared that while the congress had been “fully alert” on the subject of communism, it has not been as eager to expose the “equally dangerous” menace of fascism.

“It is but yesterday that right wing totalitarianisms cost us hundreds of thousands of lives of our best young men and hundred of billions of our treasure,” he said.

“I wish it could honestly be said that the fascism which our heroic veterans destroyed abroad has been permanently ended. But that flies in the face of unmistakable evidence and events since V-E day”, he said.

Lists 7 Main Definitions of Fascist State

Tracing the rebirth of fascism in countries ruled by U.S. occupation forces—Germany and Japan—Patman said that U.S. policy in those nations was rebuilding the “fascist cartel system” and that continuation of such policies would probably mean another war.

The seven items best summarizing the meaning of fascism, he said, were the following:

  1. Fascist government is rule by a leader possessed of dictatorial powers supported by a single political party, and an elite class.
  2. Education and thought control are used to condition the mind of the masses at home for the fascist struggle by all devices which create, mold or influence ideas, beliefs, and impressions.
  3. Fascist foreign policies are dynamic and aggressive.
  4. Finance and fiscal policies direct banking and private investment decisions in accord with general fascist policies.
  5. Foreign trade is no longer simply an economic phenomenon but becomes one of the many instruments through which the slate achieves its political objectives.
  6. The economy generally favors big business, strengthens the position of heavy industries, retains enough of the profit system to permit the elite to build up’ personal fortunes, emphasizes self-sufficiency, institutes higher tariffs, facilitates cartelization, and spends huge sums for military outlays.
  7. Labor is regimented with the result that free collective bargaining and self-government by labor organizations is abolished.

Hits Forrestal, Dillon, Read

Calling particular attention to the sixth point, Patman discussed the role of monopoly in America as well as the fostering of a new cartel policy abroad by high officials of the War department. Named specifically by Patman was Under Sec’y of War William H. Draper, a former partner in Dillon, Read Co., and business associate of Defense Sec’y James V. Forrestal. The Dillon, Read firm, Patman said, prior to the war floated a $30 million bond issue on behalf of the Thyssen Vereinigte Stahlwerke, the German steel trust. Although Draper resigned his post last month, other Dillon, Read members, as well as Draper’s son-in-law, Phillips Hawkins, still guide the formation of new cartels in both Germany and Japan. Among others named by Patman as aiding the revival of cartels is Paul Nitze, another Dillon, Read official who is now a deputy assistant in the State department.

The People’s Voice, Helena, MT, April 22, 1949

See Also


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