SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 26 (AP) — The old saw that no man is a hero to his valet might be transposed to say that no man or woman either is entirely a mystery to his or her dry cleaner, if one accepts the views of Miss Elizabeth Santry, reciever at a local dry cleaning establishment.
Miss Santry sums up her reactions severely as follows: “The men are unfaithful and careless. The women are stupid and indifferent.” She explains that men are prone to leave love letters in their clothes, and that women make a habit sending garments with jewelry adhering.
“Life in a dry cleaning office is just one piece of jewerly after another and one love letter on the heels of another. When we send the letters home in the cleaned clothes, wives always get them and trouble follows.
Yesterday I phoned a woman and told her we had her diapon sunburst, worth a fortune. She yawned and said, ‘All right dearie, I’ll send a bell hop over some time today.’ “
The Cordele Dispatch and Daily Sentinel, Cordele, GA, February 27, 1925