February 20, 1862 – The Battle of Fort Donelson

Chicago, Feb. 19. —The Tribune correspondent, in giving a description of the battle at Fort Donelson, says, that when Col. Crafts’ brigade, which had been ordered to reinforce Gen. McClernand, came up in the rear of the thirtieth, thirty first, and twenty-fifth Kentucky, these regiments were lying down and firing over the crest of a hill. They rose, and not knowing whether the force in their rear was friend or foe, the twenty-fifth Kentucky, supposing them to be rebels, poured in a raking volley on them, which did terrible execution, and was sufficient to throw the entire brigade into disorder at once, which was almost a panic. Some threw down their guns and equipments, and fled immediately. The woods were filled with stragglers. Some even fled to fort Henry.

The enemy improved the opportunity, and advanced upon Schwartz’s and Dresser’s batteries, capturing five guns, and taking possession of Gen. McClernand’s headquarters, driving our forces nearly a mile and a half.Instead, however, of adhering to their supposed intention to escape, the rebels resolved to follow up their advantage by pursuit. At this juncture Gen. Wallace’s division was thrown in front, and took a position on a ridge, with Taylor’s battery in the center of the road. The rebels formed on the ridge which General McClernand had occupied, and, flushed with success, moved forward. As soon as they came in range, Taylor opened on them with grape, cannister, and shell, causing the rebels to quail and come to a halt, and as the infantry advanced they began to fall back, and our men recovered the ground previously lost.

Cairo, Feb. 19 —It is believed now that a portion of the rebel prisoners will be sent to Alton, and others to Chicago, Fort Wayne, and Detroit.

Worcester Daily Spy, Worcester, MA


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