A navy no more than anything else may stand still, it either is being improved or is deteriorating. The British Government, for instance, which under the limitations of armament was authorized to build the two battleships, has tried to improve on the old model, there being no restrictions pertaining to the design but only with regard to gun caliber and tonnage. The improvements made are said to render the old type obsolete, for one thing because they concentrate forward overwhelming gun power.
The following description of more obvious features indicates the departure in construction that has been made:
“Without a funnel showing and scarcely any superstructure they are designed to serve a double purpose. A clear deck space gives a long, broad sweep for the launching of airplanes, thus increasing the vessel’s battle radius by hundreds of miles.
“Heavily armored decks will be planned as a protection from attack from the air. The magazines are being grouped forward under super-armored decks. The absence of funnels provides unobstructed space for planes. The smoke fumes from the engines will be carried off via tubes extending alongside which will also aid in throwing smoke screens.”
Daily Kennebec Journal, Augusta, ME, January 24, 1925