January 22, 1862 – Beware of Counterfeits

Our attention has been called to the manner in which one of the two dollar treasury notes of this State has been counterfeited, so as to make it pass for a ten dollar note. The figure ten had been cut from the margin of some blank Bank notes probably from those on which the treasury notes are printed and the ten thus cut was pasted over the two wherever it occurs in the two dollar note, so as to change the issue into ten instead of two. The treasury notes, which are printed on the back of the blank Bank notes, should be closely clipped, and never sent out with any of these extraneous figures attached to there.

We have heard also, that some of the five and twenty cent issues have been circulated without authority of law, either in blank or filled up. This must be owing to the neglect of the printer in not properly guarding the form of types on which these notes are printed; or these notes may have been stolen from the printer, or fro, some one who had them in possession after they had passed from his bands. We have no idea, however, that Mr. Treasurer Courts is to blame in this matter.

Weekly Standard, Raleigh, NC


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