The Charleston Courier has the following;
The good people of Charleston woke up yesterday morning to be hugely delighted with the news that the fine ocean steamer Ella Warley, Captain Swasey, from Nassau, N. P., had entered our harbor with the first rays or the rising sun, and was already safely moored to our wharves. At early dawn she appeared off Charleston entrance, in full view of the blockading vessels. These immediately gave chase, and commenced a rapid fire of shot and shell, all which, however, fell short. After passing several miles under the enemy’s fire unharmed, the noble steamship finally came within the protecting range of the guns Fort Sumter, and swept majestically up the city. How far the Yankee naval officers indulged in profane expletives as they beheld what would have been a very plump prize slip from their grasp, we leave the imagination of our readers.
Cincinnati Daily Press, Cincinnati, OH