January 8, 1862 – Rebel Zantippe

If you want to make an angel, select a good woman for the material and if you want to make a real devil, just pick out a bad one, especially if a secessionist. We notice that the other day a fine cake was sent to Mrs. Greenhow, a rebel lady confined in Washington. Lieut. Sheldon stuck a pen knife into it in several places, and striking a hard substance, opened it, and found Treasury notes, fives and tens, to a considerable amount; also a letter, stating that arrangements had been made to effect her escape and conveyance to Richmond, and naming the day and hour of deliverance. When the lady found out the discovery obtained from her cake, her anger was uncontrollable. The Lieutenant bought her a nice new cake and sent it to her, but she threw it down stairs.

Raftsman’s Journal, Clearfield, PA


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