January 7, 1862 – Another Speck of War

The New Orleans Delta has information that his excellency Don Francisco Serrano, the Captain-General of Cuba, has expressed his indignation at the frequent outrages committed by Federal cruisers almost within sight of the forts at Havana, in overhauling vessels leaving the port of Havana. Several messages have been sent by him to tho consul of the United States in regard to these outrages, and the commanders of the forts have orders to keep a lookout, and if any United States ship is discovered in the act of chasing or boarding any ship within cannon shot to open upon and sink her. The same paper adds that the Captain-General has been so disgusted by the audacity and insolence of the Yankee shippers, that he openly declares his sympathy with the Confederate States, his determination to protect their ships, their citizens and their flag while within his jurisdiction, and his conviction of the utter insanity of the futile attempt of the Yankees to subjugate the South.

Memphis Daily Appeal, Memphis, TN


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